26 New Billboards on Oklahoma Highways Supporting Iran Nuclear Agreement

AANW’s largest billboard action to date features 26 billboards on major highways across the state of Oklahoma. The billboards goal is to show support for the Iran Nuclear Agreement and urge citizens to lobby federal legislators to vote to affirm the deal.

AANW has met weekly for four years, sponsoring demonstrations, op-eds, letters-to-editors, full-page ads in Oklahoma newspapers, rallies, demonstrations, and other billboards promoting peace in the Middle East.

AANW is also hosting a rally in support the Iran Nuclear Agreement on on Friday, August 28, on the State Capitol, South Plaza. All who share our interest in averting war are welcome. There will be plenty of cold water and ice-cream bars for the first 500 people in attendance.

6:15 pm – Gather to music, sign petitions, etc.
7-8 pm – Inspiring words from opinion leaders